Hello Everyone!
I hope you are all doing well and you had a good summer. Thanks be to God all is well on my end and I am amazed how fast the summer has flown by so quickly!
I am looking forward to cooler temperatures and the beautiful Fall colors. I am hoping to resume my prayer walks at Grace once the heat and the humidity dissipates.
You have no idea how much I cherish the trail and it is while walking on this trail that God has spoken to me about the work I am doing now. Praise His Name!
It is 2011 and we just celebrated Ethiopian New Year on September 11th.Robin and l liked the thought of being 7 years younger and the travel back in time concept.
All kidding aside, I have been blown away by how the Lord has lead me, opened doors, and let me meet people who helped me realize my long held dream of serving the Lord in Ethiopia. I have always felt a call of God on my life, but I didn’t know when and how He would reveal His good work He has for me to do (Ephesians 2:10). After so many years of restlessness and wondering when God will show me the work He wants to do; lo and behold last year when I traveled to Ethiopia in October I heard in no uncertain term that the time has come and for me to start “the work” even though the political situation was unstable and outwardly it was not a a good time to start doing anything. How ever, the call of God was so clear through the Word (Genesis 28:15) and I felt a confirmation from the Holy Spirit confirmed it was the time to act. Therefore, all I could tell the Lord was, “here I am, Lord, use me”.! It is when I stepped by faith the miracles of last year started to happen one after another as I listened and obeyed the Lord’s leading. To recap the past year events; I traveled 3 times in one year to Ethiopia (according to Ethiopian calendar) which is a record for me since I left the country in 1980. After returning home from my first trip in October I started a non profit called Rebuilding A Nation, Inc, and I was granted a tax exempt status by the IRS. To God be the glory!
I still was unclear whether I should get another non profit status in Ethiopia or if I should remain a foreign NGO, or I was not sure how to go about rebuilding a nation if I should start a school on my own or partner with someone who was already working there. I was once again felt the Lord’s nudging to travel back to Ethiopia and to seek an answer to my dilemma.The Lord was faithful once again in orchestrating and guiding my steps and I was able to visit for profit and non profit schools, and I sought the counsel of trusted friends and family members while praying earnestly asking to show me which direction He wanted me to go. So when I went back to Ethiopia for the second time in May I felt I was at a crossroad . I didn’t know whether I should start a school by myself which not only provide education to needy children, but I wanted to create a center of excellence where the children would be fed at least two meals a day, they will be provided with school supplies, and uniforms. I wanted the children to learn be grounded in moral values and to engaged civic responsibilities. I wanted to give these students education and life skills to better their lives, the life of their families,and to impact the society and the nation as a whole. This, how ever, would have required me to be present in the country full time in order to start the work from the ground up. Fortunately, after a lot of prayer and reflection as well as the counsel and advice I received from Zewdu and other trusted friends I decided, to partner with a school that is already doing most of the things I was going to do on my own. Therefore, it was after my second trip that I decided to partner with Raey School, which was the school Zewdu and I visited the day before we came to America on our first visit in October. The school was started by a Christian couple who initially started the school for profit about 13 years ago, but the Lord made it clear to them to make it non profit and to care for the poorest of the poor. We felt comfortable that this couple was trustworthy by the way they were transparent in showing us their finances. We were impressed when they shared with us how the school exists on prayer and reliance on God to provide from school supplies to food that use of feed the children. We found the couple to be genuine Christians who walk by faith trusting God to meet their needs. Their faith and reliance upon God was one of the main reason that attracted us to the school. Even though the school is not a Christian school per se and they can’t teach the Bible as a subject; they never the less teach the children moral principles and they have the freedom to share their faith openly on a daily basis and on special occasions such as at Christmas and at Easter.
Another reason which spurred us to go forward with our plan to partner with Raey by sponsoring incoming preschool students for the next academic year was the miraculous political change we were witnessing taking place in Ethiopia. You see in April 2017, for the first time in history, Ethiopia underwent a bloodless change of leadership even though many had legitimate fear that Ethiopia was going to disintegrate into many ethnic states and chaos. Amazingly, by an act of God and intervention the prayers of Ethiopians inside and outside the country for Ethiopia was answered when Dr Abiy Ahmed, who is an Evangelical Christian, born to an Ethiopian Orthodox mother and a Muslim father, was elected to be the new Prime Minister of Ethiopia! Dr Abiy is a well educated, devout Christian man, who has been embraced by most Ethiopians of all faiths and ethnic groups and without uttering a word that he is a Christian he has garnered the love and the respect of Ethiopians inside and outside the country. He has been able to show the nation Christian virtues such as love , forgiveness, and doing good works. Dr Abiy has called on to Ethiopians within the country and outside the country and he has glavanized the nation to be involved in various works to better the lives of our country men and women who live in poverty. I have been wondering lately as I look back at God’s leading in the past year especially if it was because God already knew what was going to take place (the election of Dr Abiy as PM) in April that He laid it upon my heart and stirred me to start with Rebuilding a Nation project in October?
I went back to Ethiopia for the third time at the end of August because I felt the Lord laying before me an opportunity I couldn’t have dreamed of putting together myself. Let me explain, after my return home after my second trip to Ethiopia, Zewdu and I decided to sponsor 40 income preschool children for the next academic year on our own and I wanted to then work on fund raising next spring in Somerset and Virginia (we have a lot of friends and family in Virginia and the Washington DC, Virginia, and Maryland is the home of the largest Ethiopian people outside of Ethiopia). I was praying and seeking the Lord’s guidance on how I will go about doing a fund raising (I need to admit this is not my forte; I find it to be a difficult and humbling exercise I wish I don’t want to do !) when I called my long time friend in Somerset, Robin Citak, we updated each other about our children who are about the same age a and their where about and what they were doing in their in lives and careers. It was at this time Robin mentioned about her son Matt who was in Greece filming Syrian refugees and their plight since the war in their country. Robin sent me Matt’s blog and I was deeply moved and I was touched by his written work and also the photographs he took at the refugee camp. Robin continued to tell me that Matt was going to Kenya for 2 weeks in the middle of August after he came back from Greece, because he and his friend wanted to highlight the work of two young Physician Assistants couple from Somerset who are doing an incredible work by opening a hospital for orphan children in rural Kenya. When I heard Robin tell me this, I saw it as a great opportunity that God was laying before me. You see, Matt was going to transit through Addis Ababa, on his way back to America, and I seized on the opportunity and told Robin to ask Matt if he would be interested to stay in Addis for a few more days so he can take pictures and videos for me which I can use during my fund raising. I was thankful when Matt agreed to do that, but I was totally blown away when I encouraged Robin to consider coming to Ethiopia to see the work first hand and she agreed to pray about it as well as talk to over with Mike, her husband. So, with a little bit of nudging and encouragement she agreed to come as well!
Thus, Robin, Matt, and I were in Addis on September 7 at Raey School, I am sure if you had asked Robin or Matt, or for that matter me, if I thought I would be in Ethiopia on that date 3 months ago, late alone a year ago, I would have laughed and said no! But God in his wisdom, had once again guided my steps and the steps of my friends to be there at that at the celebration and official meeting and greeting of the children, as well as their families which Zewdu and I agreed to sponsor. We had a great turn out by teacher and other students who attend the school even though they were officially on summer break. The event was also attended by a Christian TV station and a radio station who wanted to high light the school and the great work that is being done in order to bring more awareness and support to the school. The weather was perfect and Matt was able to take pictures and videos of the students and their families. We were also able to follow a student to her home to video tape her living conditions. In addition, we also visited the house of a gentleman who lost his wife last year shortly after giving birth to their second child. He is raising the two kids by himself living off of his savings which he was about to deplete shortly. Thankfully his daughter was among the ones selected to attend Raey School, but his son was only about a year old and he didn’t know he can care for him and support the family at the same time. As he shared his story while weeping bitterly and witnessing his living condition all of us brought who were present were deeply moved and brought tears. The magnitude and the level of poverty we witnessed is enormous, but we try to stay focused on what we can do to change the life of one child at a time and leaving the rest to God. Please pray for us as we embark on this great journey of trusting God to use us and use what we give Him to multiply and feed the thousands with 5 loaves of bread and two fish. He is Able!
By the way, to hear more about the experiences of Robin and Matt in Ethiopia, I suggest that you come to the fund raising we are going to hold in the spring either in Somerset, Kentucky, or in Virginia😀!
Finally, the highlight of my trip was the fact that God allowed me to celebrate Ethiopian New Year on September 11th after 38 and a half years of living in the United States. You see, I have always loved and cherished my memories of the changing of rainy season to spring like weather where have wild yellow flowers grow every where, the big bonfires, young women going around the neighbor hood signing a beautiful song while young men draw pictures of flowers depicting the season, the beginning of school shortly there after, and the fact that we get new clothes and school supplies as well as spending time with family members with yummy home cooked meals have left an indelible marks in my growing in Ethiopia that it has left me home sick and nostalgic for a long time and I have always tried to recreate the feeling each year, but to no avail. So, I was grateful to God for giving me a chance to be in Ethiopia for Ethiopian New Year! This was not just a typical New Year either as I tried to explain earlier, it was a New Year filled with a lot of optimism and hope for a brighter future for Ethiopia and a lot of expats like me had come to celebrate the New Year . What an amazing New Year was indeed. I went to church on New Year’s eve and I was able to reflect on the goodness of God in leading and guiding me confirming the promise He gave me when I left Ethiopia 38 years ago, “For You are my rock and my fortress; For Your name’s sake You will lead me and guide me” (Psalms 31:3). I have proved the Lord faithful through the years I lived in New York (the first 13 years), the nine years I lived in Virginia, and the past 17 years in Kentucky. The Lord has guided me through the ups and downs of life and He has blessed me beyond my wildest dream. So, I loved every moment of recounting the Lord’s goodness at the New Year Eve’s service on how he chose me to be His child at a tender of 12 years old. I am also blown away by how he showered me with blessing me with wonderful husband, three amazing daughters, and a great son in law who I can call my son. It is then I find no words to express my gratitude to the Lord with tears streaming down my face, with hands raised high, and making a joyful noise (Eleleta!) in my own native tongue. I can truly say that a small way I experienced what heaven will be like. Furthermore, unlike any other New Year, I was able to reflect back how God guided me in the past year and revealed to me His purpose in creating me to do good works (Ephesians 2:10) to show the praises of Him who called me out of darkness into His wonderful light (1Peter 2:9). Praise His Name!!!
So you ask what is next, since coming back, Robin and I have reached out to the local Christian School here in Somerset and the Principal, Mr Hale, has agreed to
make Raey School the mission focus for the school this year. He has also promised to donate to us school uniforms and other school supplies! Praise the Lord!
I visited my friend Bethlehem (Poonie) and her husband Joseph in Denver last week for the sole purpose of learning from them the ropes about fund raising and to pray and encourage one other about each others’ ministry. I had a wonderful time with them and I learned a lot from them. Beth and I talked about organizing a gathering of others who are doing similar works like us in Ethiopia so we can encourage and help one another. Please pray that this will happen soon and please give Beth or me if you know of someone. Thanks.
I am grateful and thankful for Robin not just because she went to Ethiopia with me, but I believe she is a true sister who has caught on the vision and she has fully embraced this ministry and she is going full speed to help me in any way I ask her to help. Thank you Robin and may God richly bless you!!! By the way, Robin and I along with a graphic designer here in Somerset came up with a logo last week. I believe it looks great and reflects the purpose of the Nonprofit well and it has an Ethiopian flare to it. I will attach it so you can look at it.
I joined the Chamber of Commerce here in Somerset and for joining the Chamber they are giving me 1500 business card and a banner with our logo which we will use at the expo held by the Chamber this coming Tuesday (10/2) to introduce local Non Profit organization to the community. I don’t take this things as coincidences, but as another way God is guiding and opening doors for me. Pray that we will generate interest in those who come to the expo and who knows we may even meet a couple of people who will be interested to work with us or help us.
In looking ahead to next week, please keep me in your prayers as I work with the web developer to solidify the mission/vision of the NGO and we work on the lay out of the website. God willing, I am hoping to hold a fundraiser dinner here in Somerset and in Virginia in the Spring, as I mentioned earlier. Please pray about this and I appreciate your help in any way regarding this matter.
Like Caleb, I have always prayed to God to “give me this mountain” (Joshua 14:12-15) and I have the audacity to believe that the God of Caleb who lead him to conquer the mountain at age 80 is faithful to help me to rebuild a nation one child at a time ( at a tender age of 55, I might add😀!). So, like Nehemiah, I believe “The God of heaven will give us success; therefore we His servants will arise and build…” (Nehemiah 2:20).
Thank you so much for allowing me to share with you what the Lord has done for me this year and throughout my life. May He lead and guide you as you seek to do His will. Be blessed and be a Blessing.
in Christ,